Get started

Ready to embrace GenAI? For successful adoption, begin by setting clear goals and identifying specific use cases where GenAI can add value to your organisation. Once you’ve established these, aim for a quick proof of value that doesn’t demand a substantial investment.

GenAI strategy workshop

Bring your stakeholders together for a half or full-day workshop with us to explore how GenAI can benefit your organisation and identify your unique use case/s.

  • Current and future state overview
  • Customised roadmap – a strategic plan for your GenAI growth
  • GenAI use case/s identification
  • Led by our 7-phase approach

From $2,500+GST

Half or full day

Ideal for organisations of all maturity levels - from those starting out with GenAI to ones with more advanced GenAI technology and plans

GenAI rapid start with

Think big, start small, scale quickly. Validate your high-value use cases in a secure, supported environment. Once you've proven your solution works as expected, we can design and deploy a full implementation across your organisation.  

  • Highly secure environment - your corporate data is completely safe
  • Validate use cases in days, not months
  • Easily demonstrate the value and ROI of selected use cases within your organisation
  • Lunch and learn sessions designed to support knowledge advancement and uncover new use case opportunities

From $15,000+GST

Timing is dependent on number and complexity of use cases

For organisations that have identified specific use cases and want to validate them quickly, securely and at an affordable price

T&Cs apply: Data quality will be taken as is, subject to availability, $15,000 minimum on rapid start offer equates to one use case, valid in NZ only, subject to availability.

Our 7-phase approach

In our strategy workshop, we'll guide you through the steps needed to develop a clear vision for successfully integrating GenAI into your organisation.

Review proposed or existing AI strategy

GenAI use case identification

Data governance and responsibility

Employee training

GenAI usage policies

GenAI solutions, including Microsoft Copilot

Security, governance and compliance considerations with using GenAI and Copilot

Benefits of working with us

GenAI Centre of Excellence - our hub of GenAI specialists and proven processes at Theta.

Expertise with various GenAI products and tools: Microsoft Copilot, Azure Open AI, Copilot Studio,

Cross-functional team for rapid knowledge sharing - from cyber security experts to testing teams.

Experience across various industries, including manufacturing, logistics and government.

What our customers have to say


Theta has proven to be an invaluable partner throughout the build of our new Cloud Data Warehouse, consistently delivering excellent data and analytics services. Their dedicated team of experts provided us with the tools and insights to make a step change within the business, collaborating closely with our team to ensure we achieve key outcomes for our teams.

Kenny Thein, Chief Information Officer

Restaurant Brands Limited


The Theta team were very thorough in their project design and provided excellent service to deliver us a quality product that will allow us to generate performance insights we have never seen before. The solution was created very efficiently under the time pressures we had leading into the Tokyo Olympics.

Carl Bradford PhD, Performance Scientist

Cycling New Zealand


We wanted an off-the-shelf solution and Theta had a good understanding of our needs. We don’t have a lot of resource to maintain a communications platform, so it was important to keep it simple. We also wanted the flexibility to adapt and roll with changes as our working habits evolve.

Rob Merwood, Information Systems Manager



Theta has worked with us closely for a number of years to develop our analytics capability. They have led the way in demonstrating the power of Azure to us and in helping us to make the transition into the cloud

Stuart Prendergast, Head of Technology

Craigs Investment Partners


It’s like having a world-class cyber threat intelligence team embedded in our own organisation. We have essentially front-footed cyber threats by being proactive in detecting malicious behaviours before they become a problem.

Justin Bagast, CIO

Timaru District Council


We were quite anxious over the deployment weekend. Ironically this was due to the phone NOT ringing with issues to solve. Well done Theta! The success of the deployment was due to the hard graft put in prior to the launch, and rapid response to any day to day issues.

Philip Bryant, Project Manager

Human Rights Commission


In a project, you bring in experts and deliver something by a deadline. The world can move in that time. Our approach is to drive an ongoing, internal capability with the help of IT partners.

Chris Jenkins, Data and Information Manager



The combination of D365 with LMS365 gives us access to advisers’ learning records almost immediately — it’s information we need to see in real-time, and this solution delivers just that!

Trecia Brown, Head of Professional Development

Fidelity Life


It was the most seamless system rollout I’ve done. In any moments of frustration, Theta stood up to the table and soon fixed them. We worked really well together as a meeting of minds between two organisations.

Jill Barnard, Finance Director



The first time we started to run dashboards that spanned multiple entities and multiple regions and were able to look at our data at such a macro level was a ‘wow’ moment. Within 10 seconds, we had dashboards loading for the world. We’ve never been able to do that. For me, that’s when it started to get exciting.

John Eshuis, Group IT Manager



Our Chief Executive said it was the smoothest go-live he'd experienced! It's a great reflection on Microsoft and Theta.

Jessie Larsen, Establishment Lead

Taumata Arowai

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